New funding for Not For Profits is constantly evolving. At HCDC we monitor as many channels as possible and list relevant funding to support community economic development in our community.
Ontario Trillium Foundation - Capital Grants: Programs and services that support the people of Ontario are delivered locally in a range of community buildings and spaces. These places provide opportunities for activity, recreation and connection and play an important role in creating healthy and vibrant communities where everyone feels a sense of belonging. In the Capital grant stream, OTF funds projects that update buildings, enhance spaces, and purchase fixed and non-fixed equipment so people and communities can thrive.
Apply for a grant from February 7, 2024 until the application deadline of March 6, 2024.
Eligible projects should provide added value to existing activities in the tourism industry and focus on business and economic growth. Priority may be given to projects that:
- support the Indigenous tourism industry
- increase tourism benefits for communities by driving visitation from urban areas to rural areas
- support economic, environmental and cultural sustainability
- support active outdoor experiences
- extend the tourism season (e.g., new or expanded tourism offerings outside of the traditional high season)
- complement support provided through provincial programs
Eligible applicants include:
- incorporated small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) operating in the tourism industry
- Indigenous-owned businesses (including Indigenous sole proprietors) or Indigenous tourism organizations
- not-for-profit organizations (including tourism associations and economic development organizations)
- governments (municipal/provincial/territorial and related entities)
Ontario Cultural Attractions Fund: This Fund (OCAF) has three aims: (1) to increase cultural tourism by providing investments to assist Ontario organizations to develop, promote and present one- off or first time events, or a significant expansion of existing activity, which are designed to attract new tourists and visitors to cultural events; (2) increase the earned revenue capability of the applicant organization; and (3) support events that foster economic growth and contribute to job creation. OCAF achieves this by providing up front working capital directed towards the applicant’s marketing and promotional costs, with the investment taking the form of a partially repayable loan. There is a two step application process and the site suggests an 8 month lead time for any events.