HCDC is here to support you in business success. Whether you are looking for someone to discuss a new business idea or review your current business operations, we have resources on hand and access to other outside agencies.
If you are thinking about entering the world of Entrepreneurship go to our Start-Ups page where you can get an idea of what might be involved.
Looking for advice? We offer free business counselling. You can set up an appointment for a casual meeting with our staff.
Maybe you are ready to jump in and write a business plan. We've got some practical templates, an informative video and links to additional resources to help you create a great plan.
Need access to super high speed internet service? The HCDC Business Incubator has 100Mb upload/100Mb download service that offers access to hot desks and co-working space to utilize the speedy connection. This must be arranged in advance, please contact us at 705-457-3555.